Older Brother US

Older Brother presented me with my first opportunity in the fashion industry. At the time, Older Brother was a quickly ascending brand, catching eyes and ears for their organic materials and dye process. I worked directly under the Portland-based Co-Founder, to manage shoots from start to finish, diversify the brand’s model base and manage the brand’s social media content. Below are examples of the content I managed and created; Including storybooks a wrote and the content created from those shoots.

Bonsai Mirai x Older Brother US


  • While ​the ​younger ​brother ​works ​to ​prune ​his ​bonsai ​tree, ​the ​older ​brother ​is ​“pruning” (cutting) ​his ​younger ​brother’s ​hair.

    • While ​on ​the ​surface ​this ​could ​just ​be ​a ​picture ​of ​an ​older ​brother ​assisting ​his helpless ​younger ​brother, ​we ​are ​utilizing ​this ​image ​for ​a ​much ​deeper ​meaning.

    • It ​can ​be ​seen ​as ​two ​separate ​stories/experiences.

  • First, ​the ​younger ​brother ​is ​learning ​what ​it ​means ​to ​take ​care ​of something. ​As ​a ​growing ​young ​man, ​it ​is ​sometimes ​easier ​to ​learn important ​lessons ​about ​taking ​care ​of ​yourself ​through ​taking ​care ​of something ​else. ​Therefore, ​the ​younger ​brother ​is ​not ​actually ​just ​taking care ​of ​a ​random ​tree, ​but ​rather ​he ​is ​learning ​how ​to ​take ​care ​of himself ​(metaphorically).

  • Second, ​the ​older ​brother ​is ​learning ​what ​it ​means ​to ​take ​care ​of, ​or ​look out ​for ​someone ​else. ​This ​is ​inevitably ​helping ​him ​learn ​more ​about himself ​and ​his ​character. ​Taking ​care ​of ​someone ​else ​is ​not ​easy, ​but this ​older ​brother ​is ​up ​for ​the ​task. ​He ​knows ​the ​importance ​of ​helping prune ​his ​younger ​brother ​as ​he ​grows ​older. ​The ​older ​brother ​has already ​had ​many ​of ​the ​experiences ​his ​younger ​brother ​is ​soon ​to ​have. Therefore, ​he ​must ​take ​it ​upon ​himself ​to ​help ​prune ​and ​water ​his brother ​in ​a ​way ​that ​helps ​him ​find ​his ​path.

    • There ​is ​more ​to ​this ​second ​story. ​The ​older ​brother ​is ​not ​only sacrificing ​and ​giving ​to ​his ​little ​brother. ​He ​is ​also ​benefitting from ​it ​by ​learning ​about ​his ​true ​self ​and ​character, ​but ​the younger ​brother ​also ​has ​something ​else ​to ​offer. ​There ​is ​a degree ​of ​innocence ​that ​every ​individual ​has, ​particularly ​when they ​are ​children. ​This ​offers ​of ​the ​potential ​that ​the ​older ​brother can ​learn ​how ​to ​rethink ​something ​due ​to ​the ​light ​that ​his younger ​brothers ​perspective ​offers.


  • Pruning

    • Trim (a tree, shrub or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.

    • Cut away (a branch or stem)

    • Reduce the extent of (something) by removing superfluous or unwanted parts.

  • Watering

    • Pour or sprinkle water over (a plant or an area of ground), typically in order to encourage plant growth.

    • (of the eyes) become full of moisture or tears.

The storybook below was originally written as a wholistic process video for Older Brother. Unfortunately, some of the external pieces didn’t come together in time and it was scrapped right before I left. Luckily, they managed to keep a majority of the storybook by transitioning it into a process video for their coffee dye drop. The photos above and the video below are the results of the coffee dye shoot.


Freelance Photography


Older Brother NYC Pop Up Shop